
New data is out on housing finance, and the trend is up!

  • Money borrowed to buy Australian housing was $22.7 billion over last 12 months (year ending Sept 2013). That’s an increase of 15% on last year.
  • About 55% or $12.6 billion was borrowed by owner-residents; $10.1 billion by investors.
  • 86,000 first home buyers borrowed money to buy a home this year versus 103,000 the year before.
  • Average amount borrowed is $305,000 across all borrowers – little change in recent years.

Firstly, the most important figures is the money borrowed to buy housing, up 15% on last year. This is a big increase, considering the a drop of 17,000 1st home buyers from the market.

Also interesting to point out that even with the 15% increase in money borrowed to purchase property, the average loan amount hasn’t changed.

This can only indicate one thing – more people are buying into the property market.
Is this increased borrowing activity a good thing for your investment property?
Or does this information indicate a good time to invest?