2024 WA Property Awards’ winners revealed
22 February 2019
Source: Perth Now
BLACKBURNE’S $235 million development of the Subiaco Pavilion Market site has been approved.
Metro West JDAP members, including City of Subiaco councillors Murray Rowe and Derek Nash, supported the development today comprising of 240 multiple dwellings over three mixed use buildings.
The development includes 516 car parking bays as well as ground level markets with retail and food space, public space, a new town square on Seddon Street and a pocket park and entertainment area near the centre.
“The design is more Subiaco and it’s not a closed in shopping centre – it’s rustic and reflects what was there before – I think it’s a significant benefit,” Cr Murray Rowe said.
Blackburne is already calling for registrations of interest for one, two or three bedroom apartments and four bedroom penthouse’s in all three Rokeby, Roberts and Seddon buildings with prices ranging from $360,000 to $2.9 million, not including the penthouse.
Blackburne will construct a six-storey Rokeby building, a six-storey Roberts building with various setbacks and the 24-storey Seddon building to be located at the rear corner of the site.
Blackburne managing director Paul Blackburne said he was pleased the council and JDAP had made the right decision, which reflected the 86 per cent of public submissions in favour.
“The most satisfying thing about doing this project is knowing we will transform the heart of Subiaco,” he said.
The City of Subiaco threw its support behind the development at a council meeting on February 13.
A total of 24 public deputations were presented at the JDAP meeting, with 16 in support and eight against.
Subiaco residents, business owners, a Subiaco Theatre manager and lawyer were all in favour of Blackburne’s multi-million dollar development.
“The positives outweigh the negative opposition, which is fear of what happens if we support the development, fear of the height, and I understand the community is nervous, but can we separate our fears from the site and think what do we do if this application isn’t supported,” Table Culture owner Emma McCarthy said.
However Subiaco resident Ines Janca said home owners were not satisfied that the surrounding heritage areas would be properly protected.
“I’m asking the City and DAP to lift up your game and fulfil statuary requirement to look after heritage areas,” she said.
Presiding member Francesca Lefante imposed an amendment to ensure the roles of both Blackburne and the City of Subiaco were well understood, before demolition of the former site and start of the development, to protect surrounding heritage properties.
Mayor Penny Taylor said revitalisation of the site was something businesses and residents alike had been calling for.
“Council and now JDAP have approved action on this site – it’s stood vacant for 10 years, some say as a symbol of Subiaco’s decline, but we now have a new owner and Council have said yes to getting on with making this iconic site something that everyone can enjoy again,” she said.
“This JDAP approval gives an injection of confidence in our community.”